NVCDC a place to grow

Our schedule is flexible and based on the children’s interest and weather conditions

Welcome and Separation

Caregivers work in partnership with parents to help the children transition into the program in
a positive way.

Free play

Children learn through play throughout the day. Learning to make choices is a significant
emotional development empowering children to be in touch with their own interests for the
day. The number of toys and the amount of equipment available in each area varies with the
needs of each group of children.

Transition and clean-up time

All children are helped with caregiver support and modeling to put away their play materials or

Toileting/Hand washing/Diapering

Personal hygiene is encouraged throughout the day and modeled by the caregivers. Children
are supported in hand washing and encouraged to conserve water and paper. Toddlers are
always encouraged to use the toilet and we provide a relaxed and comfortable transition to
toilet learning according to each child’s needs. Preschoolers are always reminded to use the
toilet before all transitions. Individual ability and awareness are respected when toileting. We
have three scheduled diaper changes a day, and extra ones as needed.

Snack time (morning 9:30am and afternoon 3:15)

At snack time, children sit at a table, usually in assigned seats. Caregivers prepare the snacks
for the children and sit at the tables to model healthy eating habits and table manners. This is
a time for language development and socializing.

Group time (morning and afternoon)

Children gather for a large group time. This may consist of children listening to stories, playing
dramatic role games, using musical instruments, singing, dancing, movement activities,
and various other learning opportunities.

Outside play (morning and afternoon)

We believe in the importance of outdoor play so the children play outside both in the morning
and in the afternoon, rain or shine. The amount of time spent outside can be shortened due to
weather conditions. While outside, children are encouraged to try to do things on their own.
We encourage each child’s independence yet remain close to ensure safety and provide
support if needed. Large muscle play such as sand, water, riding toys, and sliding is
encouraged. The natural outdoor setting also provides many learning and discovery

Lunch (Infant/Toddler at 11:30 and Preschool at 12:00)

Families provide lunches and caregivers ensure all food is adequately prepared for each child.
Caregivers sit at the tables while children eat their lunches. This enables the caregivers to get
to know the lunch habits of each child and monitor how much each child eats on a daily basis.